Wednesday 13 July 2011

Three moments in my twenties when my whole life afterwards might have changed, and didn't.

1. When sexy M. cried 'Let's rest!' and threw herself down on the grass on her back, and I didn't throw myself on top of her.

2. When an Indian relative by marriage asked me to marry one of his nieces, whom he would import specially. I politely refused. (I thought of that fairly often later as my actual marriage became so difficult.)

3. When sunbathing in my garden beside a male friend clothed I was wearing only underpants and I took them off and even in doing so became fiercely erect - but we both pretended I hadn't.

(And one in my teens, when a girl I'd never seen before, - 'common', I thought, [?over]-fastidiously, asked me when I was going to ask her out on a date; didn't. Suppose I had ---!!)

See 'Nakedness (discreeter version)' also.

ps left-handed, my sister by chance met my first girlfriend a week or so back. it has crossed my mind sometimes that i valued her wrongly i.e. that what i really loved is that she made me stiff, not for herself, and in the end broke off callously -- but either intellectual or social snobbery would have warned me off, if, and if...a part of my conscience was lightened by knowing that, it seems, she is happy now. I'll add a separate post about her.